Sunday, 9 January 2011

Section 4: Audience Research

Analysis of the research

From question one we gained the information that out of the four options we gave Thriller is second favourite and Comedy is the first, as a group it shows that Thriller does appeal to a wide audience. From the second question we discovered that the element people most enjoy from a thriller is the twist, we also gathered most people think that thrillers should maintain the mind games over the gore. Another question is how they want the lighting to be, for the thriller genre most people voted for it to be both be well lit and dark, this showed us that it does not have to be dark to create suspense, its not always what is seen but sometimes what can. The finial question is based on if weather their was a wider variety of thriller films would more people watch, the result was that more people would watch thrillers if their was a wider variety. the conclusion to this is their is a possible wider audience that is teenagers, this is a good place to target our audience.

Thriller Questionnaire
1.      What genre of film do you enjoy?
1)Thriller         2)Action         3)Comedy        4) Romance

2.      What is your favourite element of a Thriller
1) Plot                   2) Suspense                  3) Twist

3.      what would you like to see in a thriller?

4.      Do you think thrillers should stick to mind games or should it be more graphic?

1)      Mind games            2) Graphic

5.      Why would you watch thriller

6.      How many thrillers have you seen?

7.      What kind of lighting do you expect?
1)      Low lighting  2) Well lit    3) both

8.      Do you consider the Oceans films, e.g. Oceans 11, 12, 13

9.      How often do you watch a thriller?

10.  Would you watch thrillers more if their was a wider variety?

Above are graphs which represent answers for 6 out of the 10 questions that were on the questionnaire, three are missing as the answers could not be converted into graphs, the graphs show such things as how many people said yes or no to a certain question, and so on, based on the allocated answers.

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